"The miracle isn't that I finished, the miracle is I had the courage to start." John Bingham

"Keep Moving Forward"                                                               Walt Disney

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Walt Disney World Half Marathon

January 6, 2007

First let me say….What an absolutely fantastic race weekend!

John & I arrived in WDW very late on Tuesday. I am very glad we came in early as it gave my body a chance to get a little bit used to the heat & humidity. My asthma was not really liking the humidity at all. Took it very easy the next few days so as not to tire out our legs with a lot of standing.

Arrived at the Expo on Thursday at 3pm and was very surprised to see the line to get in snaking back and forth all over the place. Thankfully it moved pretty quickly. Picked up our bibs & chips (had no problem also picking up Sean’s with the letter signed by him & photo copy of his driver’s license), made our way downstairs to pick up our shirts & goody bags. Then went straight to the Official Merchandise area where we spent way more then we probably should have. By this time it was almost 5pm and we had to pick Sean up at the airport for 5:35, so we did a very brief tour of the rest of the Expo.

Friday I returned to the Expo to listen to John “The Penguin” Bingham and Coach Jenny Hadfield speak (while John & Sean played mini-golf). They were GREAT speakers! It was also great to see so many Wishers there. Coach Jenny gave some very good advice for dealing with heat. I took her suggestion of taking a salt packet before the start of the Half and I really think it made a difference in how I felt throughout the race.  John Bingham’s advice was to slow down your race pace by a minute or so because of the heat & humidity. It was great advice but it also scared me….alot. It’s great if you are fairly fast, but……if you are a back of the packer already doing 15+ mpm, you don’t have a minute or so per mile to slow down…unless of course the sweepers were slowing down too…..ugh!

I was a bit nervous about meeting everyone on Friday night at the Pop Wish Meet, but I think getting to meet some earlier at the Expo helped. The meet was GREAT! It was nice meeting everyone and putting faces with the names I see on the Dis.

Back at the Poly it was time to prepare for race day. I pulled out mine, John, & Sean’s race gear, pinned bibs on our shirts, & put chips on our shoes. (Ok, I don’t want this to sound like John & Sean don’t do anything. They are more of the laidback no worries type of personality and I am the compulsive Type A personality. I new they (especially Sean) would wait until morning to get their stuff together, which would have driven me crazy & stressed me more then I needed to be, so I offered to get their race gear ready for them. It was for my sanity!) John & Sean then turned in for the night and I went to watch Wishes from the Poly Beach. It was just what I needed to help relax.

Saturday morning the wake up call & alarm go off at 3am. We get up, have something to eat, & get ready to go. We leave the Poly at 4am and walk over to the TTC to get the Monorail to Epcot. It was already HOT & HUMID!!!! We each have a bottle of water & a throw away blanket to sit on and John has 2 bags of ice with him to ice his knees on the Monorail. As we walk past the Finish Line Spectator Area, there are very few people at the port-a-potties, so we make this our first potty stop. We get into the first holding area which by now is pretty empty, put our blankets down, do some stretching and John slathers his knees in biofreeze & puts on his knee braces. We make our way through the bag check tents and are directed to the Wave C holding area. There we see Judy & Charlie. It was great to see familiar faces. We sit with them for a while and it really helped to pass the time and calm the nerves. It was off for one last potty stop, then start moving towards the start line. (talk about feeling like a herd of cattle….LOL) Before long we hear the National Anthem & the wheelchair racers, then the elites are off. Wave B is then off and next it is us. We move up, take our salt packs (which by the way….yuck!) and finish our last sips of water. We countdown, the fireworks go off. Here we go…. Our plan was to step across the start line together, but the girl in front of Sean hesitated, so Sean actually stepped across 1 second after us. We start to run, but find we really aren’t moving anywhere, so walk instead, work our way over to the grass where we can start getting around people. Before we even get to the big jug handle, John tells us to go on ahead that he can’t keep up at our pace. He is already sweating and doesn’t look too well. We tell him we will stay together, but he insists he is fine and to go on ahead. We wish each other luck and Sean & I are off. I’ll tell you, you never realize how sloped a curve is til you walk/run one…Wow! It was so crowded we almost don’t see the Mile 1 sign. We continue to do a lot of walk/running on the grass. Around Mile 2 we see the elites making there way back already. Very Cool! Still doing a lot of on & off the grass to try and get around people. At this point feeling hot but very good. Not really keeping close track of intervals, just going by how we feel. Sean is helping me to run a little faster & a little farther, and it feels good. Loved the spot near the TTC where they had the Rock ‘n Roll music to the right and Country to the left. That was kind of fun. Going through the TTC we see Krista which was motivating right before the Contemporary Hill. I prefer to run downhill & walk uphill, Sean prefers to walk down & run up, so I take off and Sean catches me on the uphill. We make our way into the back stage areas of MK, when we smell the bacon, Sean gets really hungry & wants to stop for some. (what can I say…he is a 20yr old male...) We come around the corner and there it is…Main Street and the Castle. All I can say is WOW! What a beautiful sight! I started to choke up. We start to run because I had wanted to run all the way up Main Street. We see Cam, Carrie, & Scott and got lots of high fives as we went by. It was fantastic! I feel so good we keep running all the way into Tomorrowland. We walk in the back of Tomorrowland into Fantasyland because I wanted to be able to run through the Castle. Again…WOW! As we make our way out of MK I was glad to see the bananas cause with Sean talking about food & being hungry, I was now hungry. LOL Now for the long road back to the jug handle/overpass and Epcot. By this point my knee is starting to hurt so we slow our pace down. We are still doing a lot of walk/run on the grass to get around people. We get to see Judy & Charlie and Kristi & her mom. It was great seeing them and knowing they weren’t far away. My knee is now hurting pretty bad so my runs were getting shorter. I start telling Sean, we’ll run to the next sign, light pole, whatever. Loved the HS Marching Band. Brought back memories of Sean from HS Band. We ran before the jug handle/overpass because I knew we would be walking that. On that run Sean’s calf muscle cramped. We had to stop for him to stretch. It continued to keep cramping on him. With my knee hurting & his calf cramping, it made for a very long finish. As we were going around the jug handle and over the overpass we kept slowing to look for John. We were really worried about him and hoped we would see him. Since he didn’t call us on the cell, we figured he had to be out there behind us somewhere. We continue making our way towards Epcot…one step at a time…running a bit whenever we could. As we approach Epcot we see Cam, Carrie, Scott, & Pat. What a sight for sore eyes (and legs LOL). Seeing them was just what I needed. Then it was up the hill in Epcot (Sean said to me “You lied, you said there were only a couple of hills” LOL), out around the Christmas Tree and back. That is when the reality really hit….I am doing this….I am going to get my Donald Medal!!!! Make our way past the Gospel Choir, which was very motivating. Then around the bend. The Finish Line was in site. Sean and I ran it in crossing the Finish Line together. What a very special moment for me. Not only working the last 10 months to get here, finishing the race, knowing I will be getting my Donald Medal… but getting to experience it with my son!!! We get our chips removed, go to get our medals…we’re told they didn’t have anymore. What???? I don’t have words to describe how I felt. I worked so hard for that medal and even though they said I would receive it in the mail, I couldn’t believe I wasn’t going to have that medal now. Be able to see it, touch it, wear it. What an emotional rollercoaster. Sean & I grab some water & food and make our way to the “W” tent to meet up with Wishers and wait for John. A few minutes later John arrives. Right after that someone says they found more medals. Yea!!! We hobble our way back to the Finish Line, get our medals, then stop and have a photo taken of the 3 of us with our Donald Medals. TOTALLY AWESOME DAY!!!!

Sunday John & I become part of the WISH Scream Team. After leaving the Poly at 5:30am to get Sean to the airport, we head to the Beach Club for breakfast and by 9am we are out by the course to cheer everyone on. We were out there with Judy & Charlie and it was really nice getting to spend time with them. It was also nice having 4 pairs of eyes to look for members of our WISH Team. John & I stay until the last person passes with the sweepers & medics behind. We cheered for every single Full Marathoner. What an amazing experience to be out there watching the racers go by, some making it seem effortless, some really struggling, but all of them continuing to keep moving forward…one step at a time.

Sunday night’s Illuminations Dessert Party was GREAT! It was so nice seeing everyone with their “BLING” and listening to everyone’s race experience stories. We see Anne & her DH waiting for the Monorail. Turns out they are staying at the Poly too. We get to ride to the TTC with them then walk to the Poly. A perfect ending to a perfect evening.

Monday morning’s Boardwalk Bakery breakfast was also great. Again seeing all the “BLING” and listening to stories. Reliving the weekend!

Finish Times (chip):       Sean     3:17:49

                                    Karen   3:17:50

                                    John     3:30:18

I am already looking forward to WDW Marathon Weekend 2008!!!!!!



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