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Spring Lake Five

May 26, 2007


This was a beautiful 5 mile course that started along the Atlantic Ocean, went through the surrounding neighborhoods, past 2 lakes, and finished back along the ocean.

John & I arrived at around 7:15am for an 8:30am start, parked & walked the few blocks to the start/finish area. We walked around & did some stretching. By 7:45am the lines for the port-o-potties was getting very long & there really wasn’t very many of them, so we figured we had better get on line. We ended up being on line for almost 30 minutes so I guess it was good we lined up when we did. Now it was time to line up for the race start. John & I had decided to run our own races, so we wished each other luck and we were off.  It was a very cool start line. They have a Fire Department Ladder Truck on a side street backed up to the main road with the ladder extended across the street. For the start you ran under the ladder. As I crossed under the ladder I wondered if that was bad luck. Hmmm??? It took us over 2 minutes to cross the start line and it was already a very hot 75 degrees. The first 5 minutes I did a lot of weaving between people. I followed a man that was larger then me who was running a nice easy pace. As he would create a hole through the crowd, I followed him through it. I looked at my garmin seeing that 5 minutes had gone by without any walking breaks, so I figured I had better take one, knowing my body would never make it at the pace I was going (especially with how hot it was). So, I ended up settling into Run 4 / Walk 1 intervals for the first 3 miles before the heat was really starting to get to me. At that point I switched to Run 2-3 / Walk 2-3. I have been training the last couple of weeks to do R3/W2 intervals, so I was happy to see I basically could maintain that, at least for a little while anyway. There were fire trucks every mile or so spraying water on racers & I was very grateful to the homeowners that also had sprinklers or hoses spraying to help us cool off too. It was also nice to have a few homeowners playing music for us along the way, especially the boy that was playing his bass drum to help entertain us. So now I make the last turn and am back along the ocean with the finish less then a half mile ahead. I ran into the finish feeling very hot, but very strong. Went through the shoot, received my medal and went straight to the post race water & food. By the time I made my way back, John was leaving the shoot. He got his medal and we had a photo taken of us together in front of an American Flag. It was a great race & it will be on my list to run again next year.

Here’s the numbers:

Karen   Clock Time - 1:04:15 Finished 2556 out of 3414 women

            Garmin - 5.08miles 1:01:40 12:08mpm

Mile 1 - 11:40  Mile 2 - 12:04  Mile 3 - 12:20  Mile 4 - 12:31  Mile 5 - 12:33

John  Clock Time - 1:13:39 Finished 4049 out of 4228 men

         Garmin - 5.08miles 1:11:15 14:02mpm

Mile 1 - 11:42  Mile 2 - 12:29  Mile 3 - 15:15  Mile 4 - 16:07  Mile 5 - 14:49





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