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Walt Disney World Race For The Taste 10k

October 7, 2007

After getting up bright & early we drove over to Epcot & hopped on a bus to the start. As we passed the start area on the bus, John spotted a WISH shirt. (We really do stand out! LOL) Got off the bus & made our way over to the start area where we found Bill & Stacey. Soon other WISHer’s were arriving. Some staying to hang out & others just stopping by. It was great seeing everyone. About a half hour before race start John & I lined up for the port-o-potties. The lines were pretty long so by the time we were making our way back to the start area the National Anthem was being sung. We saw Matt waving to us from the middle of the pack so we made our way in to where the group of WISHer’s were lined up. We ran the first mile following Matt & Cheryl. We were trying to get as far as we could before the sun came up knowing that it was only going to get hotter. At mile 1 we lost Matt & Cheryl when we took our first walk break. We then continued at W3/R2 intervals & for the next couple of miles we played leap frog with Stacey. By mile 4, John was really struggling with the heat & humidity. The sweat was just pouring off of him & since there was only water on the course I think he was sweating his electrolytes out. He really wasn’t looking to good. He ate the rest of the sports beans that we had & drank some of the water with salt added to it that I had and that seemed to help a little. We also slowed down our pace, now doing a lot more walking. It was fun racing through MGM Studios, the Boardwalk area & Epcot. I’m looking forward to going through those areas again during the Full Marathon. After leaving Epcot & making our way around the last curve we see the Finish Line up ahead & start running. Matt was on the side cheering us on. (Thanks Matt!) After getting our medal & making our way through the finisher’s area we see the really long lines for food so decide to wait a bit until the lines to go down. We find Mary Jo (a friend from home) who was doing her first race. She did great & finished about 5 minutes or so behind us. We chat with her a bit before she heads off to find her family. We also got to chat with Heather, her DH, & their DD’s. We went over & watched the kids races & by that time the lines for the food were pretty much gone so we head over there. Then back to Pop for stretching & showers. It was a fun race but sure was very hot & humid.

We finished in a Chip Time of 1:28:57 Clock Time of 1:30:36 for a 14:07 mpm pace.

Mile 1 – 12:20

Mile 2 – 13:20

Mile 3 – 13:36

Mile 4 – 14:27

Mile 5 – 15:48

Mile 6 – 15:22

Last .30 – 4:00 (13:29mpm pace)







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