"The miracle isn't that I finished, the miracle is I had the courage to start." John Bingham

"Keep Moving Forward"                                                               Walt Disney

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John "The Penguin" Bingham


The Race Course From The Top of Sears Tower

























Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon

August 12, 2007


John & I arrived at the expo Saturday morning a little after 9am. Picked up our race packets and headed over to get our race chips verified. We were really surprised to see John Bingham himself checking the chips. Chatted with him briefly and then made our way into the expo where we started meeting up with the rest of the WISH Racing Team. It was so great seeing everyone again. After lots of hugs and gathering of everyone together, it was time to start making our way over to Gino’s for some authentic Deep Dish Chicago Pizza. John wanted to save his knees as much as possible for the race, so we jumped into a cab with Anne & Bob, while everyone else walked. The pizza was different but really good and the company was even better. After lunch the group split up. We spent a fun afternoon with Anne, Bob & Lily. We headed to Garrett’s for some famous Chicago Mix Popcorn (cheese & caramel), then the plan was to see the city. First up….the FREE Trolley to the Sears Tower. We ended up with a free tour of the city and almost an hour later arrived at the Sears Tower. After waiting on various lines we were finally on our way to the top. What an absolutely amazing birds eye view of the city. I enjoyed checking out the race course from up there. Unfortunately this would be the end of our sight seeing tour. The afternoon had quickly passed. Anne, Bob & Lily hopped in a cab to meet up with Pat & Jim, and John & I hopped into a cab to head to Navy Pier. At Navy Pier we met up with Cam, Howard, Krista, & Steve. We grabbed some dinner together before they headed off for their Boat Tour & we headed back to our hotel.

Sunday mornings wake up call came at 3:15am and 15 minutes or so later came the thunder, lightning, & rain. Checked the weather on tv and it looked like the storm would pass before race start…..we hoped so anyway. We still had some light rain on our way into the city, but by the time we parked the truck it had stopped. When we walked into the lobby of the Hilton we felt kind of lost in a sea of purple (TnT people), so we were very happy to see Mel & Jen on the other side. It was great walking to the start and spending pre-race with “The Team”. We lined up at the 3:30 Pace Group along with Pat, Jim, Anne, Bob, & Maggie. We never heard the National Anthem or the Start, just everyone starting to move forward. After crossing the Start Mat the course was really wide which gave plenty of room for everyone to spread out. We quickly came up to our first bridge crossing. Walking across it wasn’t easy….the front of my shoes kept catching. I figured for sure I was going to face plant it. LOL It was cool seeing the props for the new Batman movie that was being filmed around mile 2. Notice the cop cars say GPD (Gotham Police Department). Mile 5 we were out on the highway with cars whizzing by as we headed towards McCormick Place. We can see Cam & Lily up ahead. We catch up to them and walk with them a bit until just past the turn around when my foot cramped. I had to stop and take my shoe off to try and rub the cramp out. It remained very sore. It was really nice walking along the lake. The view was amazing. Since Sean is a Volunteer Firefighter, I especially enjoyed walking through the Fallen Firefighters Memorial Park. We then got to walk for a bit with Pat & Maggie, until John slipped in the mud. Luckily he didn’t fall, but it was enough of a slip to make his knee hurt more then it already did. He had to slow his pace, but unfortunately when I slowed my pace my foot started cramping more, so we continued at our own paces. I kept looking back trying to make sure he was ok. I ended up catching back up to Pat & Maggie then the 3 of us caught Cam & Lily. It was so much fun with the 5 of us walking the last few miles together. As we were making our way closer to the finish, it was great seeing Carrie & Scott, then Krista, Steve, Jen, Paul, & there DD’s. Then just before the last turn was Maggie’s DH with her DS’s. They were adorable holding their “Go Mommy” sign. Next was Howard telling us not much more to go. Then out of the curve we can see the finish ahead. I jogged into the finish, high fiving Coach Jenny as I went by.

Here's the stats:     Karen 3:31:10     John 3:35:50

Wisher’s are the best. “The Team” is what made it a fun race & weekend, in spite of the race issues. (lack of port-o-potties; no cups at mile 6 water stop; out of towels at race finish, etc) I did really miss the support along the course though. The Elijah Running Group Scream Team were life savers cheering everyone on. I kept thanking them for being out there.

If I lived closer I would probably do the race again, but since it was a 14 hour drive for us and there are so many other races I would like to do, I probably won’t get to do it again….but you never know.

One last thing…..I really loved the Reebok sayings along the course.

WISH Racing Team

Cam, Lily, Krista, Mel, Anne, Pat, Jen, Andrew, Darcey, Maggie, Karen, Bob, Scott, Carrie, Jim, John, Steve, Howard






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